Rockfish Conservation and species


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else noticed a difference in the rockfish species you are encountering in the southern straight of Georgia the past few seasons? Looking back at my logs I had never caught any species of rockfish aside from quillback, coppers and the odd yelloweye on the inside. Recently on my gulf island trips we've ran into a variety that I though of as absent from the lower straight ( vermillion , yellowtail, tiger ) . Has anyone else noticed this in the past few seasons? Could be a sign that the RCA's are paying off!
I totally try to avoid rockfish bycatch by fishing a little off bottom when fishing for lings. So, I can't say I've noticed a difference in the species of rockfish I catch as I don't catch that many during the course of the season. What I have noticed in the past few seasons is that there are far more lings in the Gulf Islands, with a far larger average size to them. So, I do think the RCA's are helping to create healthier bottom fish populations overall. I was initially quite skeptical and resentful about the creation of so many RCA's in the Gulf Islands as it made many of my favorite areas no fishing zones. You generally only have so many spots to fish close to home base, so I was kind of upset at first with so many of closest fishing spots shut down. After a time I realized the closures were helping and now I do not resent their creation at all. It forced me to seek out new areas to fish, but now the resident populations are much larger in my opinion. Those that still resent the RCA's need to adapt and try other areas to fish. There are still very good areas to fish outside the RCA's, and the local populations are much better for there creation. Just my opinion.