Pressure of a different kind


Crew Member
Lots of talk on here about pressuring FOC to repeal or relax the chinook closures. This is a multi faceted problem and the closures are but one part of the solution. Highly unlikely that FOC will back away from this measure once announced. I would suggest that we should be pressuring them to follow up with meaningful measures on the other parts of the problem whilst the closures are in effect.

I see some trial culls of seals announced. How will DOC measure effectiveness of such a tiny kill? Not rhetorical, seriously they need to respond on this question. Why bother with any action at all if its outcome is not being monitored and measured? (I suspect the trial aspect is mostly to see what public opinion will be).

Let's put pressure on the feds about herring, anchovy and needlefish management. These need to be part of the solution too. Little point in shutting down fishing for chinook if there's nothing for them to eat anyway.

Fish farms, they are part of the problem too. Is there to be anything from FOC on this aspect? BC has taken some action but fish farming needs to be addressed in an overall salmon recovery program.

In summary, fishing closures are only one part of what should be a multi faceted attack on a multi faceted problem. If we as fishers are genuinely concerned with preserving the resource, then we should keep pressuring government about the other parts of the solution. I know I would feel better about a five year ban if a lot of meaningful work was happening during that time.