Possession Point


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know exactly what the black pipes are running down to the water from those ugly townhouses on Possession Point? - sewer outfall?IMG_0627.JPG ?
I would think they have something to do with a HVAC system
Don't know exactly, but could be geothermal heating.
I wondered the same thing you seems weird to have a pipe going into the ocean ...
Those are likely the feed and return lines for geothermal heating. Seems a lot of new developments near the ocean are installing those systems.
You are right about one thing...that whole development is a big ole eyesore. Don't understand why they haven't sold a single one yet (judging by the lack of concern for finishing any of them off) the land is virtually treeless and blasted into an unnatural state, the buildings are squeezed in tight, no yard, exposed to all the weather making the decks useless but for a few special days each summer, you are at the end of a road and long drive back to any kind of shopping for supplies. they are blasting to put even more at a lower level (it appears) and the trim going onto the front of two of the units makes them look ridiculous. Just ugly!!
Actually I visited the other day out of curiosity - I believe it was approx 100 of 110 units sold right now. First possession dates are in Sept and already sold units with possession dates into 2017.
Ugliest development in Sooke, and major eyesore. Should not have been allowed. Especially the blasting down of the entire rock face.