old posts ascending order prevails


I need help with how to find descending order for posts. It seems that this forum wants to default to old posts showing first which are of little use to me. It seems a lot of people have gone away from using this forum because perhaps facebook has stolen a lot of past members frustrated with old news and lack of recent area reports
I need help with how to find descending order for posts. It seems that this forum wants to default to old posts showing first which are of little use to me. It seems a lot of people have gone away from using this forum because perhaps facebook has stolen a lot of past members frustrated with old news and lack of recent area reports

Just hit new posts? Then you have a list of all threads that have been updated since your last visit. Once you have that list....click on the time of the last post in the thread you want and you are taken to the most recent. For example where it says “yesterday at 11:22pm”.

Or....if in a forum click ‘start date’ and you have ascending and descending for threads if you hit it two times.

Have a look at this thread if you want to know how to do stuff.

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There is a button on the header of the forum posts that says "Last Message". If you hit that it will reverse the order of posts to oldest first and vice versa.