Letter writing campaign


Crew Member
Seeing as I'm on days off and snowed in, I written some letters to send off. What I need is a list of names to send them to. Someone posted a list of people to send them to once, but I can't seem to find it. I believe that it was lost in the last major update the website did. If anyone has it or has a list of their own I would appreciate it if you could pass it on. If anyone wants a copy of my final draft to send along or plagiarize PM me and I'll send it along. thanks
Now that many people are drafting letters, I’d suggest you use the more formal approach and send your comments via actual letter as opposed to email. In my experience email is often treated as an informal communication, whereas actual letters are considered more formal and tend to get taken more seriously. Most Ministries likely get spammed with thousands of emails and as such, some Clerk is likely trashing many of them. A letter however is usually logged in and accounted for and while the Minister may not himself respond, you can be pretty sure it will make it further up the chain. All you have to do is print what you planned to email, preferably in a proper letter format and address the envelope, no stamp required when sending it to your MP or the Minister.