If They Weren't Whitesides or Harbour Porpoises What Were They?


Well-Known Member
Caught a couple looks of some Cetaceans today from the V2V boat in front of the coal docks then in front of the Fraser-as mentioned they were very black and very white no grey in the mix but it was only the dorsal fins and head that showed-bright sunny afternoon lots of contrast.
Pretty easy to confirm when it’s a Dalls——when their dorsals come out of the water there’s a loud hissing noise, almost a small explosion, as they grab air and go back down. They move lickety-split,always in a hurry, while harbor porpoises, similar size in both body and dorsal fin, just mosey along, minding their own business

Dalls are inquisitive—I’ve had them circle me in a small inflatable raft—-scared the crap out of me because they were coming in too close for comfort... when I commercial fished, we’d goof on the greenhorns, telling them they were schools of baby Orcas looking for mammy....
Have had them (I think they were Dalls but not certain) play with the boat while we were off shore in JDF on the kicker. We had long arm Scotty rigger polls out and they were doing complete close in laps around the boat, which with its large pod and motors is approx. 26 ft overall and we kept the boat going straight .
What amazed me is how fast they were and how situationally aware. You could barely turn your head fast enough from one side to the other to see them go down one side of the boat and up the other and the camera in the cell phone was too slow to get a still picture of them as they were past before it clicked. They were passing on the inside of the thin downrigger cables at warp nine without once hitting the cables or the lines, so they new they were there despite how fast they were going and how small the diameter of the cables and lines are. You could tell they were playing and having fun. Took a while before they got bored with the game and left.
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There were Dalls hanging around Mandarte for a couple of days last week.