Halibut fishing on Constance Bank

Robert H

Here’s one that has me somewhat baffled. We were fishing halibut on West Constance. There was another boat north of us 1/4 mile away and two boats in a line east of him on the north edge of the bank. A container ship came in from the south and proceeded to anchor on Constance Bank. Then there was a call on channel 16 from Victoria traffic stating that there were 3 boats anchored on Constance Bank and they were impeding a container ship that was anchoring and were were not allowed to anchor there and must leave the area immediately. I checked on my GPS which has the travel lane on it and neither me or any of the other boats were in the travel lane.
How are we in the wrong? Does this mean that Victoria traffic claims all of Constance bank and we aren’t allowed to fish there.
The ship entered Constance from the south which was wide open with no boats anywhere and turned west into the tide and wind and anchored. I just don’t get this.
You can fish there all you like. However, there are specific designated anchorages there, and if someone was anchored in one when a ship was scheduled to come in there that may have made VTS grumpy. If you were listening on Victoria traffic VHF channel 11 perhaps the container ship was diverted to one of the other anchorages because the planned appropriate spot was blocked by sporties.
You can fish there all you like. However, there are specific designated anchorages there, and if someone was anchored in one when a ship was scheduled to come in there that may have made VTS grumpy. If you were listening on Victoria traffic VHF channel 11 perhaps the container ship was diverted to one of the other anchorages because the planned appropriate spot was blocked by sporties.
how would I as a sporty know where the anchorages are?
To the best of my knowledge it's not on the usual charts. Local knowledge comes into play here. It's not like the ships fall out of the sky. When a ship is coming, just move. Works for me as a profesional guide.
Cheers, my rule of thumb is if they are bigger, they win regardless of "right of way". I stand by this on land or water.
Might makes right law