Gail Shea you were wrong - now what? Part 1

Little Hawk

Active Member
I think there might me a few out there who would like to read this; I find it appalling really.
I have to post it in more than one part as this new site has a cap on #of words.

Again, anyone or anything that fishes, eats, or cares about wild salmon owes Alexandra Morton a debt of gratitude.

Gail Shea you were wrong - now what?

APRIL 11, 2011
Dear MP Candidate Gail Shea:
As you are aware, there are serious questions about how the lethal salmon virus, known as ISAV, is spreading worldwide in marine salmon feedlots. When I wrote you in January 2009, asking that you consider protecting the North Pacific by closing the BC border to Atlantic salmon eggs, 260 First Nation chiefs, scientists, tourism operators, fishermen and others co-signed with me (below). In your reply, March 11, 2009 (below) you assured us that measures were in place to protect BC from this virus, but you stated “there is no strong evidence that ISAV is transmitted” in eggs.
I wrote you again this year (early post on this blog)
You have chosen to ignore a scientific paper from Norway suggesting the ISA virus traveled in Atlantic salmon eggs to contaminate the coast of Chile.
A big farm salmon egg producer called Aqua Gen, filed a complaint against the three Norwegian scientists who wrote that paper. Last week, the decision was handed down by the Norwegian Council of Research Ethics. They ruled paper is valid, the conclusions stand.
Aqua Gen is owned in part by the Norwegian companies Cermaq and Marine Harvest , which are the biggest salmon feedlot operators in British Columbia and have presumably imported Atlantic eggs into BC.
Gail Shea, during your term as Minister of Fisheries you allowed over a million Atlantic salmon eggs into British Columbia. In doing so we now know so you have risked BC and Alaskan wild salmon with a highly infectious virus.
When DFO muzzled their own scientists and let the cod crash, rather than correct policy – no one was held accountable for the massive social impact that resulted in eastern Canada. We do not want the same treatment here.
Candidate Shea, you did not use the Precautionary Principle to alter policy in the face of scientific evidence and your decision to ignore the science has been found wrong. You are ultimately responsible for what happens in the North Pacific if ISAV has been introduced.
What is your response?
Alexandra Morton