Financial post on the Netflix walruses

Pearl dog

Active Member****-climate-hoax

Netflix is lying about those falling walruses. It's another 'tragedy ****' climate hoax
Opinion: Netflix and the WWF are misleading the public in the name of climate change — just as National Geographic did with the emaciated polar bear
Bringing new meaning to the dead cat strategy.

There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table ― and I don’t mean that people will be outraged, alarmed, disgusted. That is true, but irrelevant. The key point is that everyone will shout, “Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!” In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat ― the thing you want them to talk about ― and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief. cat
