Fibreglass removable floor board sealing - help?


Active Member
IMG_1154.JPG IMG_0509.JPG IMG_0510.JPG IMG_1154.JPG So here's the deal.

26' stamas walkaround inboard.
Has 3 sections of floor that are removable exposing the entire bilge from stern to the cabin.
When it rains 90% of the water fills the bilge.

There is 2 bilge pumps that easily keep up.

This is not my worry!

My worry is blood and guts getting into the bilge and settling in the low spot under my bed and rotting! Haha

Anyone know what product would work to seal these floors up. They all screw down and I don't want the to be caulked and non removable.
Why not just use a foam gasket along the top of the shelf the lid sits on, or on the bottom of the top where it meet the lip.
Sure that should work fine. It will keep all the crap out and most of the water if not all the water. any thing that gets in the bilge pumps should handle.