Deer Antlers


Well-Known Member
My canine best friend Gypsy has taken on an appreciation of antlers to chew on. Just wondering if anyone had a few under foot?;) eman
They sure are expensive at the pet food store eh. Seen a 6 inch piece cut in half down the center for $20 Ouch someone is making a killing.

Got any deer at your place we could shoot? I'll tag it and give you the antlers :)
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You got that right. I almost crapped when I went on Amazon. What's up with that. I was hoping someone had an older one there not displaying. I figured it was a long shot but you never know. Sorry I haven't been in touch as planned. Catch you soon.;) eman
Thanks Owen, it will probably be next week as were functioning with one vehicle. Really cuts down on fishing opps. Catch you later.;) eman