CBC Passionate Eye - Worldwide Fish Stocks


Well-Known Member
Anybody else seen the yesterday's (Dec 7) CBC Passionate Eye story about the condition of the fish stocks worldwide? Very interesting show and lots of thought for food - literally! On a grand scale - almost all fish species used for human consumption are in steep decline over the last 50 years. Some are beyond repair (such as the Canadian Atlantic Cod). Tuna in generally are in very bad shape and certain tuna species on the verge of extinction (blue fin). Confirms my personal choice not to consum commercially sold tuna anymore and I would urge you all to do the same as the documentary agreed that consumer'c choice has a huge impact. They also highlighted the unsustainability of carnivore fish farming by depleting oceans of smaller forage fish for fish meal. Also showed examples of the dramatical impact on ecosystems when the top of the food chain fish are gone: one was near the Carolinas where there is a ray and skate population explosion because of the loss of larger sharks. Atlantic Canada - lobsters strive because no cod there to keep them under control anymore. Once they are overfished too then all we have left will be jellyfish, algae and worms - hmmm yummy!

What blowed me away was to see the absolute ignorance by the politicians. One of the examples featured was the EU Fisheries Commission to set limits on tuna within EU territories (North Atlantic, Mediterrean). The commission is supposed to make rules based on scientist's recommendations. Their scientists said 10,000 t of tuna catch limit (per year) is needed to regrow the stocks within a certain time period (since they are in bad shape). The scientists further said 30,000 t limit is needed for the survival of the species. The commission decided on something like 60,000 t limit. WTF? What is wrong with people, huh? If we are so blantantly steer the ship into a rock wall - I mean what do you say to this? Anyway, was a good documentary and further confirms my opinion that drastic changes are needed quickly or we ALL look into an "empty" ocean in front of our doorstep. Maybe you hold off and think for a second next time you feel like ordering a tuna subway or tuna sushi.
It is very simple...too many people on the planet and it will only get worse. Every environmental problem comes back to our over population and the ever growing demand we put on resources of all types. I get really pissed when I see couples who are on TV with 10+ kids!!!! WTF Maybe they need to be given a trip to India or China to see what conditions the next generations are in for.
Good post Chris!
It's hard to argue PF's point of view on the world's population issue.

More mouths to feed = more pressure on the resources.

I too, get a little pissed when I hear folks here on our continent - like my wife's cousin who lives near or at the poverty line - talking about having six kids!

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
quote:Originally posted by profisher

It is very simple...too many people on the planet and it will only get worse. Every environmental problem comes back to our over population and the ever growing demand we put on resources of all types. I get really pissed when I see couples who are on TV with 10+ kids!!!! WTF Maybe they need to be given a trip to India or China to see what conditions the next generations are in for.

Profisher, you hit the nail squarely on the head - TOO MANY PEOPLE! There are no solutions to our increasing problems with environment destruction, pollution, wildlife decimation etc., etc., until we reduce our burgeoning population.

It seems that no politician or scientist wants to talk about this anymore. I remember years ago when Suzuki expounded on the over population problem but he seems to have moved on to the more profitable 'global warming' hysteria.
It stops when everything collapses under its own weight. Look at any closed system environment and you see that growth continues unabated until there are no resources left to feed that growth. From there it is a downward spiral as the system feeds off itself or fouls the environment to the point where life is no longer possible and it all collapses. That's where we're heading.