Caviar From Sockeye Roe


Well-Known Member
It's been a while since we had enough Sockeye roe to make Caviar but it's easy as can be.

Being smaller skeins you don't need to use a screen to separate the eggs-most of the fish this close to the Fraser are mature enough to simply use a tea spoon to carefully scrape the eggs from the skein into a bowl.

Then using 1/5-1/4 of a cup of salt added to a cup of cool water immerse eggs in brine and carefully stir until eggs just start to turn opaque-place in a colander to drain for 20 minutes or so.

Pack completed Caviar into jars/refrigerate and eat within 2 weeks.

This Pinot Gris from Rocky Creek on Vancouver Island is a fabulous accompaniment (if you can find a bottle)


And if you don't like Caviar then Sockeye Roe makes great Sturgeon bait! ;)
