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  1. Little Hawk

    Salmon Confidential

    Hello This film is the behind the scenes on the greatest environmental scandal in British Columbia. Please watch and then make sure all your MLA hopefuls watch this as they will be holding this ball as the issue breaks the surface, finally after twenty years. SALMON CONFIDENTIAL...
  2. Little Hawk

    Alex: Dear Marine Harvest - Don't Do This!

    March 5, 2013 Dear Marine Harvest I have been informed that a large percentage of juvenile Atlantic salmon in your Dalrymple Hatchery, Sayward BC, are infected with the piscine reovirus.I understand that you intend to move these fish into ocean pens in the very near future where the...
  3. Little Hawk

    Friendly Reminder: SVI Anglers Coalition AGM Tonight!

    NOTICE . South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition society . First Annual General Meeting WHEN: February 28th, 2013 @ 7:00 PM WHERE: Four Points by Sheraton Hotel - (West Shore Ball Room) 829 McCallum Rd. (Langford) Victoria, BC. V9B 6W6 AGENDA: Society Business; Elections; New Member...
  4. Little Hawk

    Friendly Reminder: SVI Anglers Coalition AGM Tonight!

    NOTICE . South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition society . First Annual General Meeting WHEN: February 28th, 2013 @ 7:00 PM WHERE: Four Points by Sheraton Hotel - (West Shore Ball Room) 829 McCallum Rd. (Langford) Victoria, BC. V9B 6W6 AGENDA: Society Business; Elections; New Member...
  5. Little Hawk

    Friendly Reminder: SVI Anglers Coalition AGM Tonight!

    NOTICE . South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition society . First Annual General Meeting WHEN: February 28th, 2013 @ 7:00 PM WHERE: Four Points by Sheraton Hotel - (West Shore Ball Room) 829 McCallum Rd. (Langford) Victoria, BC. V9B 6W6 AGENDA: Society Business; Elections; New Member...
  6. Little Hawk

    Alex: On the Road...

    Hear more from this incredible human-being at the SVI Anglers Coalition Inaugural AGM on Feb 28th @ the Four Points Sheraton, behind Costco in Victoria. Hello Last week was on a journey through all the towns and reserves of eastern Vancouver Island with hereditary chief and master carver...
  7. Little Hawk


    Had to share this one. Bit of a 'gut-buster'...
  8. Little Hawk

    1984 - 2005 Which 'Fish' Industry actually created the 'Jobs'?

    I thank Alex for sending me this graph as it clearly illustrates where 'fish' give our Province the biggest economic 'bang-for-the-buck'. From the get-go the fish-farmers have been singing the praises of all the jobs their industry brings to BC; many of us have known all along this was simply a...
  9. Little Hawk

    Alex: No Mistake on Origins of fish-farming

    This is a must read for anyone wanting to learn more about the origins of fish-farming in BC and just how complicit government was (is) all along as they knew damn well the industry would never be a big employer. Check out the graph in the link to Alex's Blog. Thanks Alex! Job well done...
  10. Little Hawk

    South Vancouver Island - Anglers Coalition: AGM

    Please see the bulletin posted in the 'Conservation & Politics' section posted by the Governor.
  11. Little Hawk

    South Vancouver Island - Anglers Coalition: AGM

    Please see the bulletin posted in the 'Conservation & Politics' section posted by the Governor.
  12. Little Hawk

    Mental Institution...

    As I was walking past the mental institution yesterday I could hear many voices on the other side of the high wooden fence yelling, "Thirteen"..."Thirteen"..."Thirteen"! Noticing a small hole in the fence, I bent down to have a look to see what all the fuss was about. Suddenly someone poked me...
  13. Little Hawk

    World Rivers Day: Mark Angelo & 'The Lower Fraser'...

    Magnificent! Praise Mark Angelo!
  14. Little Hawk

    Alex: Salmon Feedlot Boycott!

    Hello All: I hope this Christmas, holiday, Yuletide, New Years season is a good one for you. I am writing to let you know that a salmon feedlot boycott has begun today asking that your New Years' Resolution include rejection of farm salmon as "food"...
  15. Little Hawk

    Alex: Letter to the International community

    Hello Last December, my lawyer Greg McDade made a prediction that was recorded in the Cohen Commission testimony - that within 12 months the federal government would attempt to strip the lab I am using to test for ISA virus of its international status. He was right. They are trying...
  16. Little Hawk

    Always hope...

    Still Creek: The Long Way Home. This is heartwarming.
  17. Little Hawk

    Alex: Standing with the Dzawada’enuxw

    Hello Just before the Cohen Report came out, the Province of BC granted a 20 tenure to a new salmon feedlot in Clayoquot Sound. The First Nation at the head of Kingcome Inlet is taking a stand against the renewal of 17 salmon feedlot tenures in their territory. Justice Cohen recommends...
  18. Little Hawk

    Yet another OIL-SPILL on the Colquitz?

    Only caught part of the story on the news tonight but it sounds like BC Hydro caused or had something to do with another oil-spill on the Colquitz. Just what those poor Coho needed on the last leg of their lives.
  19. Little Hawk

    In Praise of 'The Bos!'

    Cudo's to our selfless Presidente for all his great work at the Colquitiz Cr. fence. Great job Chris Bos!
  20. Little Hawk

    Alex: Cohen Inquiry Released!

    Hello Justice Bruce Cohen just released his Final Report on his 3-year, $26 million commission into the 17-year decline of the Fraser Sockeye. I want to share Cohen's incredibly strong wording within the confines of his mandate, which was specific to the Fraser sockeye. Clearly, however...