Eagle Food


Crew Member
Yesterday anchored at Heriot Bay.... 100' off the boat an eagle was struggling atop the water even being dragged down a little. Persisting, the eagle got airborne just a few feet above the water to the beach a few wing strokes away. In its talons a seal ... small one. Once on shore the eagle nailed it a couple of times top of skull with that jack hammer beak they have and it was over. He flew up in a tree exhausted..rested dried out his feathers and then feasted for an hour at a time taking some sips of water at intervals from the stream nearby. That is one helluva predator .. never ceasing to amaze me whilst sailing this coast. Hopefully this is not a one off. What a nourishing meal. Ravens and vultures joined in later after standing off a safe distance from that lethal beak.

Seen the same up Pendrell Sound a month ago. Never seen the take down but the feasting on shore and the vultures waiting their turn is what we witnessed. Pretty interesting the respect and definite pecking order in the wild.eagle-seal2.JPG