The Little Things


Crew Member
Hey, I bet you like fishing... My question is: Why?

These are some of the little things that are great to me!
Not in any order:

-the bouncing rod on a big hit
-the combination smell of gas, beer and blood.
-a sunrise over the ocean.
-rigging up shiny new gear (I was tying teaser heads today and I love it when you get the line through the nose hole first shot).

I could go on for days! But it’s YOUR TURN!
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I love the smell of the water, fresh water, ocean water each there own smell but I love it. I'll take huge deep breaths and just fill my lungs and nose with the smell.

And the sound of Loons on a calm northern lake at 4 am just as the sun is breaking the tree tops,, nothing like man.


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I caught more salmon in my 35 years as a commercial fisherman than I can even remember. When I retired in 2000 I had never caught a fish on a rod in my life. I started sport fishing that year and what I like the most is I get more rush catching them one at a time than ..........well let's just say a lot more
Oh man... I actually had to take some time to prioritize my favorites..

- We are composed of ~65% water. Its about getting back to our roots, its in our DNA. It makes me feel what it really is to be human.

- Reset & reminds me of what my real priority's are in life.

- Being out of cell range. Where I can unplug & recharge.

- The best place possible for a sun rise or sun set.

- Trying to figure out the where, when & how. Its always a challenge.

- Nothing like it when a fish pops the clip, & the anticipation for the first run. The possibility of "The Big One".

- Something I learnt as I grew up, which is the amazing feeling of letting a Big fish go. Doing it proper, tailing him/her & watching it swim off. Honestly It amazing how good it feels.

- Of course teaching my kids & watching them get hooked. Something the whole family loves to do.
As much as a I love my wife and enjoy time on the water with her in all reality when I'm on a hard core fishing trip it takes away from the fishing when she's along. It takes extra time to cater to her needs so really it's a distraction. But thats just us and our situation. There's wife time, there's fishing time for me they aren't the best mix.
(I was tying teaser heads today and I love it when you get the line through the nose hole first shot).
100%. I need a high-five after that.

In my old boat, I loved firing up that old two stroke upwind from the big douche-racing boats at the Sidney launch. Always put a smile on my face when they're choking in my smoke.
I love the serenity before the first fish. Then I hate the serenity after the first fish.
I love having the first sip of coffee while glancing at the rod tips. I hate choking on that sip when the rod goes off.
I love washing new gear. Invariably it's the last time I run the gear as I lose it on a submerged trap.

All in all, catching a fish is secondary. I'm just happy to be out with friends and loved ones.
Andrew, you’re a true poet. Well said!

ILHG, wicked answer!