How to keep cats off boat


Active Member
Im having a problem with the neighbourhood cats laying on my canvas top. I am wondering if there is a spray of some sort that wont harm the fabric and will also keep the cats off. Open to other ideas you may have as well. Thank you
Citrus scents. Lemon etc. Cats have amazing smell. If you can get citrus oil and on your trailer, boat etc. Lavender work good as well.

Old trick to make a cat get lost.
Rat traps and tuna. That little bugger won't come back ;)

Note to PETA: This is a joke. I do not condone snapping rat traps on cats.
PS: Unless they are hanging out on my boat.
PSS: Kidding.
PSSS: Or am I?
Not boat specific, but some years ago we were having trouble with neighborhood cat/s coming in our yard and beating up on our cat. I borrowed a small live trap from a friend. First thing caught was of course our old cat. Then on successive nights trapped two neighbour cats. Gave them both a spray with the hose before opening the trap, they ran off and I never saw them in our yard again.

One more overnight and in the morning the trap contained a huge old Tom, obviously feral by the matted coat and scarred head. He was spitting, hissing angry so I hosed him down hard for a solid ten minutes before he finally gave up resistance and lay down.

After that we never had trouble with extra cats around our place. A little rough handling and the word got around.
All the listed home remedies are temp. None work for the long run, even a cage trap and they will return after a hosing. I would not recommend discharging a weapon of any sort in an area not allowed, many just want a reason to take your property, and when checks for life come in shooting cats will qualify you same as a serial killer. Of course the old conibear 330 or even a 220 will always work and is quick, silent, humane and most definitely permanent as is the cage trap and a 45 gl garbage can of water.

But as this is 2020 and your neighbors cats and wild feral cats have the full right to **** and destroy your property without retaliation or consequence, you should build an enclosed facility to safely store your boat, or move it to a facility or place that has no cat issues. Be calm, be kind and be cat safe.

The trap and hose treatment works but sooner or later along comes a cat that hasn't had the treatment. We don't have a cat anymore so I don't bother. Sturdy canvas storage cover has kept the cats out of the boat for four years now.
The Cage trap and water hose treatment has been effective on cats at my property as well. The trap also works on other critters like mink and otters. You definitely don’t want them getting inside your boat! Those ones get a one way ride to the other side of the island before release.