wtb decent vhf please


Crew Member
need a radio at the cabin, what have you? just the head unit, already have an antenna ....
Pm sent.. Contact ya before i pass thru! Thanks!
Be very careful where you advertise the fact you have a marine VHF on land...

From Industry Canada website:

"Can I use maritime radio equipment on land or in my vehicle for personal use?

No, maritime radio equipment should not be operated on land or in vehicles for personal use. The intent of the maritime mobile bands is to provide safety communications to vessels. Operating this type of equipment on land could seriously impact the effectiveness of the maritime safety service.

In the case of marinas or yacht clubs, maritime radio equipment may be used on land for communicating with ships or vessels. Radios used for this type of operation will require a radio licence. You can contact your local Industry Canada office for more information RIC-66."
Be very careful where you advertise the fact you have a marine VHF on land...

From Industry Canada website:

"Can I use maritime radio equipment on land or in my vehicle for personal use?

No, maritime radio equipment should not be operated on land or in vehicles for personal use. The intent of the maritime mobile bands is to provide safety communications to vessels. Operating this type of equipment on land could seriously impact the effectiveness of the maritime safety service.

In the case of marinas or yacht clubs, maritime radio equipment may be used on land for communicating with ships or vessels. Radios used for this type of operation will require a radio licence. You can contact your local Industry Canada office for more information RIC-66."

Big difference between "should not" and shall not, or must not. just saying................BB