Woman gets 23 Billion In Lawsuit.....


Well-Known Member
A woman in Florida has won (for now) a 23 billion lawsuit against a top tobacco producer because her husband (who was a chainsmoker) died of lung cancer at the age of 36.

I commend people who do not smoke (although I do myself). I have no axe to grind with non-smokers (or smokers for that matter).

But I find this award ridiculous. Sure, the chainsmoking may have caused his lung cancer unfortunately........but it was his decision to take up smoking in the first place.

If I read one more article where it says " you never told me there was risk involved from smoking" ( a common defense tactic used by plaintiffs) I'm going to hurl.....

Unless you lived under a rock all your life, you knew there were risks involved from the time you first lit up.

Same as if you drink a 26'er a day and then blame the liquor company because you got liver cirrhosis.

Same as if you do drugs everyday until there are holes in your brain and it looks like Swiss cheese....(oh...wait...hard to sue anybody in this case.....)

I suppose these are the same people that if they routinely drove a car every day at twice the speed limit, then crashed and broke both legs, they would be the first to gripe that the automakers never told them the car the car was dangerous.......
It will get reduced massively when it is (surely) appealed - same as what happened in the McDonalds hot coffee lawsuit everyone always brings up. Too high - likely. However, when the money is coming from tabacco companies its pretty hard to be too upset about seeing them get spanked in a lawsuit.