Wading Boots

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
My felt soled boots blew up on me yesterday. Now I am looking at new boots. I know there are pro`s and cons of felt soles. Has any one bought the Vibram rubber soled boots. How is the trackion.

Would you buy felt or rubber soled boots
I like felt myself but I understand they are comming to an end. They are going to stop making them. I really like them Simms boots and Cabelas boots. I have the choice of felt or Vibram. I still think felt is the way to go on slimmy rocks. When I read reviews online people don't seem to like the Vibram soles.

Me if I had to I would buy a set of felt boots for every river system I fished. Being that I have only fished one river in the last 8 years I would not need many pairs.
Dan Bailey makes a new boot called the Eco-Grip. Apparently, the soles have been designed with a compound that is used in the fast food industry to help to keep fry cooks from slipping on greasy floors. They have tested it on streams in the Yellowstone area & it seems to be working very well. Should also provide better traction on grass & in mud. I believe that you can also drill the soles to fit almost any stud if so desired. What I really like about them is I can buy them in size 16. [8D]