UN Declares Decade of Ecosystem Restoration

Not UN stuff again.
It's not about the UN it's just creating content for youtube to sell advertising ( the first video that RVP posted). I checked out the site and found that this guy has a few channels that he produces videos on and ran one of his channels through a database that calculates the annual income. I was surprised (not really) that it put it at over 500k a year. That's what happens when you have thousands of subscribers and get views into the millions each year. He has just monetized conspiracy theories and prays on those that believe such nonsense. Making money on free thinkers. I'll add that there are a lot of wannabes out there trying the same thing.
GIL(GLG) Let's try and keep the dialog non-personal. If you'd like your own official copy of this UK produced & televised documentary so as to offer the producer Martin Durkin fair remuneration for his hard work, you can get it shipped to you by Amazon and have it on your doorstep in just a few days. https://www.amazon.com/Great-Global-Warming-Swindle-DVD/dp/B001C17EVE

As for the "First" YouTube link that I shared, that person has no affiliation to the documentary, like other YouTube channels sharing the same documentary, this person has uploaded it on their own. The three channels listed on that person's channel page do not belong to this person, they are channels that they like and wish to share with visitors to the channel. Regardless, we are all adults and we all have our own ideas, thoughts and opinions. We all have minds of our own and I am positive that we can evaluate shared information upon our own resilience of mind. It shouldn't matter to you what myself or others think or believe. Just like I really don't care what it is that you think about this topic. I will read, watch, research and educate myself. I enjoy learning the full scope of a 360 degree topic, I will then make my own mind up. The world would truly be lopsided if all we had were just singular views on every topic of concern. What a boring life that would lead us into. :)

Your right I should not make it personal but This stuff bugs me as I have seen other friends and family go down this rabbit hole and it never ends well. I tried to PM you but you seem to have that turned off.

Looks like a guy named Dhruva Aliman is the guy that is behind that channel. He also has a few other channels as well as music. Doing a cross reference on google he offered advice on how to monetize Youtube where he talks about these channels.

Take his advice.....
A wisely curated collection of interesting videos concerning the past, present and future. Videos are filtered with open-mindedness tempered with logic and reason. “It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.” ― Carl Sagan

The problem as far as the developed world and advanced economies is we grew our economies largely through the Industrial Revolution. We used coal and diesel and gas & oil to build our countries and advance our lives. Our great grandparents and grandparents and parents from 1890’s through the 1990’s torched the planet. In their defense they didn’t know any better. They were just trying to carve out a life and raise a family. Today’s generation doesn’t get to claim ignorance as his excuse. Willful ignorance is pathetic. What do you say to the truck driver who joined the caravan from Alberta to Ottawa fighting for a pipeline that was never needed. That’s right never needed. Alberta had the best economy in the Western Hemisphere with far less gas & oil infrastructure that they have right now. How? $100+ oil a barrel that’s how. Not more oil not more production not more pipelines, just $100 oil. Here’s the thing-there’s a global oversupply of oil, not a shortage. There’s less demand therefore lower prices. So how does building pipelines increase demand? It doesn’t, adding supply, actually drives down the price. What’s Alberta doing right now? Cutting production to try and drive up prices. That’s the exact evidence you would introduce in a court case if you were trying to stop the development of another pipeline. Adding a bigger pipeline and increasing production might help oil companies by finding new buyers, but that won’t help create any jobs at $55 oil. Sorry guys it just won’t. There’s no demand for more oil. Oil consumption has leveled off over the padt decade and is now declining. That won’t change unless we suddenly run. So the argument that we can’t survive without gas&oil, yes, you’re absolutely right, but, we don’t need any more than what’s being produced right now. The argument is over, forget the science if you conveniently have too, but you can’t change economics. Demand is declining and will continue to decline for the remainder of its usefulness.