Two Important Natural Indicators


Well-Known Member
Two things I look for in Spring that give me clues as to what's biting where.

California Lilac-as pictured.


When this stuff is blooming the Bass</u> are biting in St Mary Lake, of course this brutal weather puts paid to that but in normal years it's the</u> time to be on the water.

Cottonwood Fluff-when this stuff is flying Trout</u> are biting where a certain river runs out of a eponymous lake up near a well known high end ski resort.


(you didn't think I'd give everything away did you?)
Guess the creek by my house will be full of bass and trout....The lilacs were thick and very aromatic this year,and, the cottonwood fluff makes it look like christmas in June now...[:eek:)][8D]