The Next Fisheries Minister?


Well-Known Member
It is extremely likely that Shea will not re-assume the portfolio of the Head Position at DFO, even were she to manage a win in her local riding. Her term has come and gone, and following the usual pattern, another is extremely likely to assume that position once a new Cabinet is declared.

A switch will also allow the gov to procrastinate over resource allocation issues whilst the latest Minister becomes acclimatized. Pretty much a given with any Cabinet position change.

So, who do you suppose is being groomed for this illustrious position? Who has already noted he would be happiest were he to be handed the reigns of power? Why none other than our Island's own, one Mr. John Duncan. Gasp! Yup, incredible as it may seem, Duncan is currently being groomed for, and is extremely eager for his shot at the Title.

While many may think that having a Minister from BC, particularly the Island, in that office would be a good development for the long-ignored West Coast, nothing could be further from the truth. Unless you are a Slipper Skipper that is. For in excess of eight years, Duncan has acted in a manner exactly contradictory to the wishes and desires of Recreational Anglers province wide. Imagine just what he could do in the position of "absolute power" over all of our fisheries. Scary thought that.

The words of those who have unfortunately had to "work" with this man range from "slimy" to much much worse. Given his stance in favor of the 88/12 allocation (something he actually helped create btw), I shudder to think of just what fisheries that program will expand to should he land the job he now so covets.

This is a very Real, and very VERY Dangerous possibility Folks. If you thought Shea was problematic, wait until someone completely and diametrically apposed to our fishing passions takes control!

There is time to thwart this development. We are in the midst of an election after all. Mr. Duncan has solidified his support amongst the commercial sector in his riding, and expects to ride to victory based upon that. The question now is are we strong enough, are we of sufficient numbers to counter their approach and inform his entire Party we are sick to death of being force-fed their peculiar form of "management"? I sincerely hope that those within Duncan's riding step forward and do just that, for the results of not doing so are of nightmare proportions!

Time to organize Folks, time to talk with your spouses, your neighbors, your friends and anyone else who will listen to common sense! This man does not represent your concerns, he instead completely ignores and dismisses them. In fact he wishes you all would simply go away so his ambitions can continue unchecked, and his Fat Friends can get a little fatter.

This is no longer a partisan matter, it has become more than personal. I am not going to tell anyone who they should vote for, but am certainly suggesting just who to vote against. That particular riding has always been split between the Conservatives and the NDP, with the Liberals always trailing a very distant third. As tough a pill as it may be for some to swallow voting for the candidate most likely to overtake Duncan in the polls (NDP - and no, I have no love nor affiliation with that party) at this time, doing so VERY much presents the lesser of two Evils.

I do not reside in the riding in question. Many of you here do. I am relying on you to get the word out and carry the day. Duncan's days in office are hopefully numbered, it is now up to you to Make That So! Of course anything I can do to help that cause I am certainly prepared to do so. Feel free to call upon me should I in any small way be able to help your efforts for ridding us of the Enemy, and preventing him from becoming our next Fisheries OverLord!

Thanks for the post NOg,
I have copy AND pasted to everyone in my addy book..except you of course!!
Let's also not forget that Duncan 'represents' the fish farmers in his riding and doesn't support moving them to closed containment. He even hired Vivian Krause as a constituency assistant for a short while. She didn't last long there but is a good example of where he is at on that front. Might want to share that with your friends and neighbors too.
The local conservative here in Esquimalt has made an effort to befriend the recreational side during the halibut dispute. He even has it listed as an action item for him on his campaign material. If Duncan is the Conservative's parties next fisheries minister it makes me believe it is all smoke and mirrors and a deceptive attempt at purely getting the few extra votes he needs to win after 2 fairly close losses to Dr Keith Martin in the past. Who the hell do you vote for now? Not the party that gave us this mess in the first place or the ones who continue to support it. Who is "LEFT"? OMG not the NDP!!! Maybe a good time to send a message from BC that we are tired of the BS and vote green. The greens won't get into power any way but I can sleep knowing I didn't vote for the other bad choices.
I believe that this election calls for a more strategic mind set. Voting for Green might give you piece of mind but it would not stop Duncan from becoming our next Fisheries Minister. I'm not endorsing NDP either but in order to get his usless butt out I feel it might be the only choice to make. Just my 02.;) eman
I agree with you eaglemaniac.. no point in splitting the vote, and not gettting rid of the piece of sh...t that duncan is.
The last 2 elections in duncans riding were very close between the NDP and Conservatives..
The ONLY way to get rid of duncan, who supports salmon farming and commie halibut quote is to VOTE NDP...
Hold your nose if you have to!

We dont need this guy as our fisheries minister, that is for sure!
We dont need this guy as our fisheries minister, that is for sure!

Bang-On Gal!

Very rare for me to do this, a c & p form another thread in this same section, but I do believe the message bears repeating here:

Allow me if you will a little Crystal Ball Gazing here...

In all likelihood, the Conservatives will carry this election to yet another Minority Government. The current polls more than support this prediction, and my gut instincts follow the same. As PO'd as we all are over the resource allocation issue, will simply are not strong enough in terms of numbers to counter this end result. However... We VERY much CAN make a difference in selected and targeted ridings, one of which is obviously Mr. Duncan.

Perhaps the best we can hope for at this time is to get the message across Loud & Clear to the Conservatives that we are NOT HAPPY with the way our fisheries are being "managed" these days. But a scant few within their party are aware of that fact, most are blissfully unaware. What better way to drive the message home than to take them out in a handful of Key Ridings? Foremost amongst those I would suggest that the Minister from North Island with aspirations of becoming our next Fisheries Minister be brought to task and toppled in his home riding. Yes, there are others to consider and I will delve into that within a day or two. However I consider Duncan's position to be foremost amongst those considerations for several reasons: he has chosen to ignore the concerns of the majority of constituents in favor of a few overly-wealthy contributors to his aspirations, and, if left unchecked there is the very distinct possibility he will end up governing all marine fisheries if he is elected once again. Given his displayed mindset regarding fisheries, this would present a disastrous outcome for all recreational fisheries that are marine based. We simply cannot allow that to happen.

In order to take Duncan down, the vote must shift to his closest competitor. A vote in any other direction is actually a vote for Duncan himself, as a splitting votes between non-entities in this race will assure him of victory. He is counting on that very fact. As I noted in the other post, this is NOT a partisan issue. It simply doesn't matter who the closest competitor represents in the larger picture. The options at this point are very clear: either you wind up with an eventual Fisheries Minister who very much does not represent the views of his riding nor recreational anglers in general, or you end up with a non-Conservative MP who does.

Although that closest competitor is apparently NDP, I can assure you there are NO worries that Layton is about to assume the throne of Prime Minister. Those such as Lorne, weedeater and Serengeti need not fear that their vote will carry the NDP into ultimate power in Canada. Very very little would change having an NDP MLA for a single term under a governing Conservative party. Really. Life as you know it would continue on track. Can anyone suggest that Duncan's term in office has been beneficial in any way towards his home riding? Would another perhaps do a better job of paying attention (not lip-service) to the Home Front? More than likely. And the message would be very well sent to the Conservatives that their actions carry consequences. Perhaps enough so that they will turn their mind's eye towards rectifying the problems that exist here. Couple Duncan's fall with a few key others, and the message can hardly be misinterpreted.

So, while it may be nauseous, or even downright painful to vote for someone representing a party you cannot align yourself with, any other option simply ensures we will continue to suffer as the status quo swings even farther away from the desires and concerns of all marine anglers in our Province. Painful perhaps, nauseating certainly, but Duncan himself created this exact atmosphere. I'd suggest targeting your angst towards the source. It is as plain as the nose on your face which decision to make if you want to drive the message home that Enough IS Enough!

There very are much times when the old adage "Take One For The Team" is relevant Folks. This VERY much is one of them...

If I was in this riding I would follow this strategy as you can't win the war but a few victories in the right places would send a clear message.
I agree with Nog in all regards.
Time to make all parties aware that our fisheries resources are not private currency when still in the water.This should be an issue for all Canadians but it will never become a national issue if we don't start booting out those who think they are.
BC's future lies in a healthy, vibrant, sustainable Pacific fishery, EQUALLY managed to provide for both commercial & recreational needs.

After our FN Brothers & conservation needs are addressed, no one user-group should take president over another. Any and all detriments to this mantra, including salmon-farming, collusive & greedy politicians, and commercial lobbyists - need to be vanquished from our seascape.

Clearly, this Duncan dick needs to go. Solution: hand 'the Bat' over to the NDP for a coupla' innings.
Totally agree with Nog. If Duncan remains then you folks up north will have some explaining to do why we all including salmon stocks need to suffer. Here you have an unique opportunity to showcase democracy that works right! Our prayers are with you!

As for the south here, I probed the candidates for Saanich/Gulf Isl. and I can report that Minister Gary Lunn (Conserv.) is unelectable in terms of fisheries issues. He is unwilling to take a stand in favour of the Canadian public and downright arrogant about it. The liberal candidate seems a little more flexible but has no clue and appears typically politicianal wishy washy and does not want to commit downright to fight for a change to 88/12 and for a reform of DFO. No answer back from the NDP candidate yet.

However, this riding is also Elizabeth May's (Green) and she actually may have a chance to win this riding with a little boost. While she has not got back to me on my specific questions, she seem quite willing to look our way earlier from what I heard. So she might just be the best option for us here in Saanich/Gulf Isl. to oust an arrogant and ignorant Conservative Minister while also getting someone fresh onboard that seems willing to work with us anglers.

I will keep you posted if I hear more. Please contact the candidates in your riding yourself too. The more questions of the same type they get the earlier they will realize that this is not a freak question by a single individual.
Totally agree with Nog. If Duncan remains then you folks up north will have some explaining to do why we all including salmon stocks need to suffer. Here you have an unique opportunity to showcase democracy that works right! Our prayers are with you!

As for the south here, I probed the candidates for Saanich/Gulf Isl. and I can report that Minister Gary Lunn (Conserv.) is unelectable in terms of fisheries issues. He is unwilling to take a stand in favour of the Canadian public and downright arrogant about it. The liberal candidate seems a little more flexible but has no clue and appears typically politicianal wishy washy and does not want to commit downright to fight for a change to 88/12 and for a reform of DFO. No answer back from the NDP candidate yet.

However, this riding is also Elizabeth May's (Green) and she actually may have a chance to win this riding with a little boost. While she has not got back to me on my specific questions, she seem quite willing to look our way earlier from what I heard. So she might just be the best option for us here in Saanich/Gulf Isl. to oust an arrogant and ignorant Conservative Minister while also getting someone fresh onboard that seems willing to work with us anglers.

I will keep you posted if I hear more. Please contact the candidates in your riding yourself too. The more questions of the same type they get the earlier they will realize that this is not a freak question by a single individual.

Precisely right. Put each candidate on the spot, demand an answer. When it's clear to them that votes ride on their position and attitude then we may begin making progress. Then we can see democracy in action, rather than rule strictly for big business interests. Our coastal communities need a healthy recreational fishing sector, it is vital to a healthy economy.
If you find out the date and time of an "All Candidates" meeting in your town, please post it. A few of us just might go on the campaign trail .........