The Big Spring Raffle is on!


Crew Member
It's that time again fellow's ... I believe the last winner came from the forum :)

The website address is:

Kingfisher Boat and
Yamaha Motor Package

Langara Fishing Adventures Fishing Trip For Two in Haida Gwaii

Nootka Marine Adventures Fishing Trip For Two in Nootka Sound

One Day Bon Chovy Fishing Charters For Four Out of Vancouver

Islander Reel and Yeti Cooler Package

Tickets $20.
Only 5,000 Available.

Tickets available from February 1 to June 21. Early Bird draw on April 1. Grand Prize and trip draws on June 22.


The Sport Fishing Institute of BC, representing the interest of hundreds of thousands of anglers and working together with community and industry groups across the province, is dedicated to protecting, preserving, and promoting the public fishery on BC’s west coast and its vital role in our economy, and our traditional Coastal culture.

Your support through the 2020 lottery will help secure a better future for our fishery and the resources it depends upon.

As such we want to bring attention to and support for a Mark Selective Fishing (MSF) strategy as the best and most progressive solution to protecting our salmon, our economy, and our way of life. Please visit or for more information.

Thanks for your ticket purchase and good luck!


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I seem to remember donating A LOT to this raffle last year. I've cut back on the boozin' since. Great odds though!
I was told when I bought the winning ticket last where is my boat ?? Does this mean I have to try again ?