Sooke coho clipping 2012....volunteers needed

I'm sorry to say I can't make either day as I am on call for work (town of view royal) and can't be to far away. Any other dates? Or is this it I really want to help
Hey Deewar25, I can definitiely be there personally on Sunday, potentially with an 11yr old helper. My crew of older teens has evaporated. Is a switch possible? Thanks for organizing the masses.
hey Nauti - I don't know the sunday crowd, so if you can arrange with one of them, or someone can step up and offer a switch, we can get you accommodated.
Please note, ones that I don't hear from, I have been switching around with those I have heard from. If you want/need a certain day, please speak up. Any new interests not listed would be great for backup as well since a few dropouts have come up now (the list further up (not the reply with quote list) is being updated as I get information - I will repost once this thread hits new page). This is the only weekend its on. Rockfish, can you confirm your count didn't involve someone else here I have as a count??

BTW, it is confirmed 8:30am both days at the Butler Main gate off Otter Point road - google map search 3062 youngs lake road - the gate is 400m east of the location pointer. BBQ and drinks provided.
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I'm available whenever you say.
Latest updated: This is the only weekend its going as Mel realized a bunch of fry were released while he was on holiday - so this is 26th/27th May

Whole in the water (confirmed)
fish stalker (confirmed)
Newfie +4 (confirmed)
Foxsea (confirmed)
Drilleryells +1 (1/2 day) (confirmed)
Nautigirl +1 (confirmed)

Lipripper +1 (confirmed)
Dave S +1 (confirmed)
Firelight +1 (confirmed)
Rob H +3 (confirmed)
Fishflyguy (confirmed)
Nautigirl +1 (confirmed)

If I don't get confirmation that this works, I will replace you - please PM or confirm (can email directly as well). If you really want to switch because a buddy is on the other day, please negotiate with someone to switch directly!
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Deewar25 sorry sent you a PM but guess you didn't get it. I can't do this weekend. I do really want to help out but this weekend just does not work. Please keep me posted for next time thou.