Six Gill Shark caught off dock last night!

Osama Bin Hopper

Active Member
Too cool!

I work with a guy from Australia who is big into shark hunting over there. Since he has arrived on the west coast he has been obsessed with trying to get one. Last night he took some visiting friends kids down to the dock to give it a whirl.

Tied up his own steel leader like he uses back home, baited the hook, weeded through some doggies and ratfish and then just after dark...


Well, not quite, but about a 5.5 - 6 foot sixgill shark was what he ended up landing.

Those were some pretty excited kids. In fact. One of them hated fishing until last night. Now he he's hooked!

Will try to post some pics soon!

Gimee the gaff!!!
Not sure you are even allowed to fish for them. Guys do it in Nootka from the dock and a few years ago a CO stepped in. Not sure of the results.

Now that is interesting.....right off a dock?

Osama...just out of curiousity what general area of the island was this?

I have read about the ones that come up into the shallows around Hornby but didn't realize they came in that close to docks.

I am sure now I will get "sharked" while swimming one day....I realize they are harmless but it would still scare the living crap out of me if I was snorkeling somewhere when we are cruising and came face to face with one.

Look forward to the pics!!
No, you aren't allowed to keep any of them, they are protected. He just got a couple of photos and cut it loose.

He was actually looking for a blue shark, that's what people had been reporting seeing, the sixgill was quite a surprise as they are genaerally thought of to cruise the depths 91 meters and down.

This was southern part of VI.

Gimee the gaff!!!
Not surprised at all. We see Six Gill Sharks in Tahsis come late August/September. If you go down to the dock at night you will see them.

A number of years ago, a friend of mine spooked one. We had just come back from fishing just after dark and he was walking up the dock when I heard this big splash and commotion. I thought he had fallen into the water. What had happened was that when he stepped from one float to the next, it spooked a big six gill that was just beside it and it took off thowing a lot of water around. Scared the hell out of all of us.

Before we moved here 6 years ago, we heard stories of kids catching them off the government dock and dragging them home!

As for Blue sharks, yes they are out there too. I've only seen them off-shore while targeting Halibut and Salmon. Caught one last year too. They put up a pretty good fight - not like a dogfish! And the fight does not stop when the fish is in the boat. This one tried to bite my boot a couple of times. If you get one, check the teeth - real "Jaws" style teeth, not the nice neat rows like dogfish.


Jim's Fishing Charters