Re: Proposed fish-farm regulatory changes...

Little Hawk

Active Member
Every one else seems to be using this forum for conservation/political posts so I figure what the hell, I'll dive in too.

My response to DFO on the matter. Nice of them to offer a 60-day window for all concerned to take the time to write so they can ignore it and do whatever the hell they want anyhow. Meanwhile, Pacific salmon suffer.


To: Mr. Ed Porter; DFO

Re: Canada Gazette, Part 1, July 5, 2010
Feedback on proposed Aquaculture Regulation changes.


Your departments proposed changes/improvements to aquaculture regulation in Canada (specifically, open net-pen salmon farming here in BC) once again has left me disturbed, dismayed, anxious and extremely angry as to how on earth the very office of my country's government charged with securing the ongoing welfare/security/conservation of our beloved and sacred Pacific salmon fishery, can once again roll out yet another wheelbarrow full of BS in support of this environmentally destructive and absolutely unsustainable industry.

After studying and writing about this tragedy called salmon-farming for 10 yrs now, a few disturbing facts have become painfully evident to me and I am left wondering not IF our Pacific salmon will go the way of the Atlantic cod - but WHEN?

Mr. Porter, the science is DONE, the irrefutable evidence proving the destruction and harm this industry inflicts everywhere it goes is IN and on the table, yet those who call the fisheries management shots here in my own country continue to ignore it while maintaining their comfy residence in-bed with Norways' disgusting industry.

These proposed regulatory changes do absolutely nothing to alleviate the astounding TONS of pollution these floating disease-factories dump into BC's precious marine ecosystems and salmon habitat.


It became painfully evident to me long ago that this Norwegian owned industry needs two-things in order to survive:

1) a suitable environment to rape-pillage-destroy and infect with disease and escaping alien fish, preferably close to market.

2) collusive politicians willing to be bribed.

To my mind Mr. Porter, when you spread icing over a piece of dung/excrement - it fails miserably to change its basic constitution.

Yours Truly,

Terry Anderson

Founder: Wild Salmon Alliance

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"