Radar issue. Anyone encountered this issue?


Active Member
My radar image displays with striations in it (see pic). Sometimes worse, sometimes better. I've checked connections and they are secure. The striations seem to get worse when I change the range but fill in with time. It seems that knocking on the radar dome has a positive effect and cleans it up slightly, temporarily. Raymarine digital radar and MFD.
I was thinking the same thing the gain setting looks a little to high
looks like Seagirt had the settings on auto judging by the screen shot. Looks like electrical interference to me. Do you have a radar reflector mounted near the radar?

I don't have a raymarine radar but looks like you might need to adjust the gain setting. Have you tried that?

Yeah thanks, I played around with the gain and it seemed to only make it worse. Auto seems best. I'll try it again.
Well adjusting the gain DOWN certainly shouldn't make it worse, are you sure you tried both directions with the gain?

A low low gain setting should give you a blank screen, obviously you need to be on the water with some targets to get the settings fine tuned.