Radar down


Active Member
My JRC1500 's pooched methinks.
Was working last week but gone throught a little rough patch a little too fast and radar mast took a beating and broke.
Replaced it a few days ago and reinstalled the radar but it doesn't seem to pick up any targets, even though was fishing among a gaggilion boats yesterday.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Anybody repairing radars in Victoria?

Is the antenna turning if yes check the cable make sure it has a good connection between processor unit and antenna and was not parted when the mount broke. Check all fuses also sounds like the Magnetron could be faulty if all seems to be working except targets.
quicksilvers on it... magnetron or possibly front end receiver ? suspect it would be a mechanical problem (broken wires, loose connections) if it was a mast-down scenario. Not in your neck of the woods, but know some who are that are in this industry (marine electronics) pm if you dont have any luck and want it checked.