Prawn trap found. .... Thrasher area

high tide

Well-Known Member
Have you lost a folding Prawn trap? You may be new to prawning and did not know how to set up . If you think it's yours ........ Describe it and you can come get it ..... No names or numbers on the trap, but distinct way it was set up will tell me if it's yours or not . We found it free floating in 700 feet of water off Thrasher Tuesday evening .

I too have either lost them or had them stolen and would love to return it to you.

P M me please

Have you lost a folding Prawn trap? You may be new to prawning and did not know how to set up . If you think it's yours ........ Describe it and you can come get it ..... No names or numbers on the trap, but distinct way it was set up will tell me if it's yours or not . We found it free floating in 700 feet of water off Thrasher Tuesday evening .

I too have either lost them or had them stolen and would love to return it to you.

P M me please


Don't forget to take this man a case of beer for returning your trap!