Norwegian Salmon Farms in BC responsible for slaughtering hundreds of sea mammals in


Norwegian Salmon Farms in BC responsible for slaughtering hundreds of sea mammals including species at risk Stellar Sea Lions!

Kudos to Hudson Mack and his team for running this story. CHEK of course never said a word.
Norway is such a weird country. They pride themselves on all their Nobel Awards but have absolutely NO compunction about polluting the Worlds Oceans and causing death and suffering and destruction both to people and wildlife wherever they go.
They are also the only country along with Japan to still hunt and kill Whales.
Scores of sea lions killed at B.C. fish farms in first three months of 2011

Read it on Global News: Global BC | Scores of sea lions killed at B.C. fish farms in first three months of 2011

Add to this innumerable Bald Eagles, Great Blue Herons, Seals, Otters, Minks and a plethora of sea-birds.

There is no one there but 'the shooters' to witness the demise of these critters who only seek an easy meal.

Have known Don Staniford for years. I first corresponded with him while he lived in Scotland back in 99' or so. It was he, along with Alexandra and all I subsequently learned about this terrible business, that inspired me to get involved in the fight to rid our beloved coast of this scourge.

Don has worked tirelessly in the background for likely over 15 yrs now in this battle. While Alex and others get the media spotlight, his efforts are only noticed when he's taken to court in an attempt to paint him as some sort of radical looney.

I can relate.

All we can do is keep up the pressure, and write letters, e-mail our MLA's, talk to opposition MLA's, sign petitions, and never give up. This fight will be a long one, but it can be won with perseverance, persistence and dedication by folks like Alexandra Morton and others. The results from the Cohen Commission and news items like these will aggregate over time to build the pressure until the dam eventually breaks and changes are made.