Nootka Sound Resort follows in Moutcha Bay's Wake

Its no wonder no one voices there opinion. Name calling and threats of being banned.

I have a question for you Fishtofino. I see you are a lodge owner. Hypothetically if the DFO made it so you and all people in your industry had to buy quota and in turn you could either eat the cost or had to charge $50 extra per charter to make up the costs to your wealthy Alberta customers, but in exchange all sport fishers could fish all year with liberal limits of the past would you do that?

sniff sniff.. :)
Its no wonder no one voices there opinion. Name calling and threats of being banned.

I have a question for you Fishtofino. I see you are a lodge owner. Hypothetically if the DFO made it so you and all people in your industry had to buy quota and in turn you could either eat the cost or had to charge $50 extra per charter to make up the costs to your wealthy Alberta customers, but in exchange all sport fishers could fish all year with liberal limits of the past would you do that?


I facillitate Canadian citizens to catch the halibut that they are entitled to. I have i have to purchase quota to do this i will strictly fish for Salmon
Go and send those lodges and operations your opinion. They are in the service industry and will welcome customer's input. That is all you can do at this time. In the longer run you better join and support any organization that is set out to fight this problem.
pretty sure all canadians still have access up to 6 fish per year 3 chickens and 3 up to 60lbs. whats that 200lbs of hali.... yup rough....

You're actually entitled to 6 fish a year up to 126 cm long. If you make nothing but one day trips, returning home each day, then you can take a big halibut each time up to six times.