nanaimo pinks?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone im just wondering if the pinks ahve all ready been in nanaimo and finished or if someone could tell me when they start to come in i love catching them on trout rods in my boat thank you
I doubt the gong-show in Departure Bay has started yet..........but there are Pinks around right now.
oh know it has started, been a few people fishing the beach in departure bay, i think they would be fun on the flyrod but i have no use for pink salmon....yuck..
Also the millstream river that goes through the park and flows into the ocean by the howard johnson is a good bet, that seems to be the hotspot.
oh know it has started, been a few people fishing the beach in departure bay, i think they would be fun on the flyrod but i have no use for pink salmon....yuck..

Must be because you dont know how to care , or cook them. Put you stereotypes aside and give them an honest try. Kill and ice the fish IMMEDIATELY, and most important--DONT OVER COOK IT! And it helps to be a fussy about which one you take.. leave the humped males to spawn and the white-bellied females alone too.
Must be because you dont know how to care , or cook them. Put you stereotypes aside and give them an honest try. Kill and ice the fish IMMEDIATELY, and most important--DONT OVER COOK IT! And it helps to be a fussy about which one you take.. leave the humped males to spawn and the white-bellied females alone too.

I agree, leave the humped Males, but if you get a fresh chrome male, they are the best to cook right away, way better than the females. The females expend way too much energy into spawning and caring for eggs and that takes nutrients away from the flesh.
oh know it has started, been a few people fishing the beach in departure bay, i think they would be fun on the flyrod but i have no use for pink salmon....yuck..

I have surprised a few prejudiced individuals with my smoked candied pink, it's awesome
honestly i have tried pink salmon a few ways and i don't really care for it, smoked would be rare exception, i have found them to be very greasy n the only way i find them edible is smoked, i released a nice chrome one the other day which unfortunately will probably have been my last salmon this year as i am back to work in Alberta on monday. has nothing to do with stero-typing anything... ever fish i catch doesn't need the wood shampoo:D
that is a pet peeve of mine if the fish isn't going to get bled and stuck on ice right away i wont even keep it. No warm coolers here. Also i was told that a run of pinks has been returned to the Nanaimo river, guess it was wiped out but they have re-introduced them and they are returning now.
I love em for the smoker. The bonus is it is a fun fishery for all ages as well.
I have been down to both Dep Bay beach and Millstone in the last few days. I have seen people fishing, but no fish being caught or up on shore. Also have not seen any on the surface. Maybe still not here yet? Heard they can be caught by boat form Charlaine though.
tons of pinks out around the fingers last night. Kept 3 of the nicer ones for smoking and let 5 or more go. They were biting spoons and needle nose in the 130 ft range. All in the 4-5
lb range.