Kinder Morgan IPO and $25/barrel oil (MSNBC)

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The problems with that plant were brought up time and time again years prior to the incident.

The tech is the best option we have for clean energy at this point, you just need to have people running/funding it without short term money concerns.

Nuclear power is sound, when implemented correctly.

I agree that technologies and pressure from the public can make anything happen.
Lol,, so what you saying is,,, you can't live without oil or gas. You would just as soon buy it from another country. Like the US that just backed out of the Paris agreement, that has shelved most environmental laws and will be going back into the Arctic to drill, they have no carbon tax, no stake in our country. None the less you would buy their oil so you could keep all your tanks full of the juice you are all so addicted to lol.

Lefties,, lol..

Not sure where you got your info on on where your NG is going, I'm sure some goes to the oil sands but believe me and I know I drill for it by the way, most of those companies could be easily self sufficient on NG and a good percentage of them are. I drilled NG wells for 5 years straight in southern AB for one of the biggest oilsands players, about 60% of it is used for themselves the rest the excess they sell off. I currently drill for one of the biggest players in your province, over 90% of our product goes through AB down to the Chicago hub. Total NG usage for oilsands production including all operations from camps to extraction is around 2.0 bill cubic feet /day, BC NG production is currently around 10 billion cubes /day is that a majority. Alberta itself produce around 9.0 bill cubic feet. In Alberta total gas sales to oil sands producers is around 29% of gas sales. In Alberta alone total usage of production by the province which includes oil sands sales is 50% the rest is sold off. Why would they sell it to a local company for $2.80 a gig Canadian dollars rather than the US for $3.20 a gig US dollars explain this one to me please cause I know we sure don't. But hey what do I know, I've only been in the business for 32 years, hey ask the Tyee they'll know lol.

But I could really careless about any of these lines. I'm in agreement personally I think there's enough lines and rails we can sustain a good living for ourselves out here and we are. Many lost jobs, many had to migrate back home to where ever it was they came from but for the most part local people did ok, we kept busy and we will continue to. It was all going to fast anyways, it doesn't hurt to scale it back some. There will come a day for it all, we'll extract it at a steady pace and keep going. We have a product the world is addicted to, a product the world economies are based on, whats the likely hood that's all going be thrown out the door in 8 years lol, not likely. Nope she's all good, let the people fight, let the politicians hold you all for ransom over broken promises, like politicians have anything to do with it anyways, their all just puppets and we are just fools to think they can. Tax payers dollars being sucked up in all of this, and for what, over lies.
The US is making two of the biggest blunders in natural recourse history and mark my words on this I know this business. First they are out drilling themselves. The Eagleford shale play will out play itself, their last big play the Bakken is already on a huge decline it's toast they emptied it hard. The same will be of the Eagleford, they will drain it within 10 years I give it, well of any significant resources. It's too much to fast, fracking is a blessing as well as a curse in this business. Our wells come on hard but do decline at a fast rate also. It's crazy how much we have to drill just to maintain production never mind increase it. I see the US being in dire need of recourses in 20 years. The second big mistake they are making and this is a huge one. Trump wants to sell off a huge amount of their oil reserves. He is talking about half, where is that going to leave them when it's gone and their resources are drained, in bad shape that's where. So why this rant, well who's their neighbour who's sitting on the 3rd largest oil reserves in the word,, you guessed it Canada. And we have the lines built to supply them or soon will. They will need us and they will buy it from us and do to the fact we are being held back from going hog wild at it, we will still have it in the ground. What we drill in Canada is a joke compared to how they go at it in the states, right now in the US there are over 900 rigs drilling, in Canada 99 it's not even comparable. They will run out, we will be left with ours in resource.

So really as far as I'm concerned I'm happy all this is taking place, it's great. Our oilsands ( and by ours I mean all Canadians we all stand to share in it ) and your natural gas recourses will sustain us as a nation for many many years to come.

One thing I will note. At one time if anything positive could be said of the NDP especially in BC is that they once stood up for the working man and the labourers, they backed unions and union work heck they were nothing more than a government of the unions. With this deal that they have made with the Greens they have thrown the working man out the door. They very well could throw out of the province billions in investment dollars, thousands of union construction jobs, hundreds of union shipping/port jobs, how many more tugs would be need in the ports all good paying union jobs, hundreds of line maintenance jobs, the list goes on, all lost. Where is the loyalty to the working man here. Not to mention what's going to happen if Site C is stopped. They are in there working now, hundreds of people on the job already How many jobs will be lost there. The court cases that are going to take place over all this, the billions of dollars that may have to be payed to these companies. Who's going to have to pay for all that, you guys will, not me or Albertans, BC tax payers will foot the bill. Deals were in place, promises made, these companies will not lay down and take nothing, you all will have to pay them for work not done. The NDP have abondoned their purpose and their roots to pander to the few that don't seem to care about jobs or understand where money to pay for the social programs we all hold so dear comes from. I just can't fathom this one, I really can't. This is from a financial stance not an oil and gas issue.

K I'm done, sorry for the grammar or spelling, take care.

This is the most educated comment yet..
What about the other 75% who want it? Should democracy not prevail? Is that not what my grandfather died for in WWII?

What if people go after the protesters? There is lots of rumbling going on about doing just that. Let me make a promise.. I will show up myself and fight anyone who gets in the way of the source that feeds my family and will put my kids through Post secondary. I can promise there is enough Canadians pissed off at the Eco terrorist that are funded from foreign money.. Trust me, there will be radicals on both sides, I wouldn't want to be the ones opposing anyone who is trying to make a living and feed there family. Those people have something more to fight for.

Seems like democracy only works when it goes in a certain direction.
What about the other 75% who want it? Should democracy not prevail? Is that not what my grandfather died for in WWII?

What if people go after the protesters? There is lots of rumbling going on about doing just that. Let me make a promise.. I will show up myself and fight anyone who gets in the way of the source that feeds my family and will put my kids through Post secondary. I can promise there is enough Canadians pissed off at the Eco terrorist that are funded from foreign money.. Trust me, there will be radicals on both sides, I wouldn't want to be the ones opposing anyone who is trying to make a living and feed there family. Those people have something more to fight for.

75%? That's a fish tale. It would be done already if it had that kind of support.
At times capitalism can be manipulated for short term profit by individuals. But usually it is aided an abetted by the corruption in government.

100% agree with this point. We see it playing out right now in front of us. Roll back regulations is just another way of saying get rid of the Pigovian tax. Or an other way of saying internalize the profit and socialize the cost.

on another note..... found this an interesting read.... you fellas may what to check it out.

and a link to the first chapter of one of the books that is found on that review.

no need to comment as I just though a few of you might be interested.
Federal Government needs to focus on 3 main things.

National security.
Protection of individual liberty
Justice and order.

There are other things like building roads etc, but a free market will serve the rest. Over the years we have been conditioned to believe government needs to regulate everything, to our own detriment.
What about the other 75% who want it? Should democracy not prevail? Is that not what my grandfather died for in WWII?

What if people go after the protesters? There is lots of rumbling going on about doing just that. Let me make a promise.. I will show up myself and fight anyone who gets in the way of the source that feeds my family and will put my kids through Post secondary. I can promise there is enough Canadians pissed off at the Eco terrorist that are funded from foreign money.. Trust me, there will be radicals on both sides, I wouldn't want to be the ones opposing anyone who is trying to make a living and feed there family. Those people have something more to fight for.

Threats like this have no place on here and if you should do what your saying you are putting you and your family at risk. Violence is never a solution to problems like this. Perhaps what you meant was you would peacefully protest.
Threats like this have no place on here and if you should do what your saying you are putting you and your family at risk. Violence is never a solution to problems like this. Perhaps what you meant was you would peacefully protest.

The insanity of government pandering to the correctly described "eco terrorists" and a globalist agenda have driven many average joes to take this stance.

I wouldn't look at it as a threat, I'd look at it as a sign of the times. The George Soros of the world have been funding these "protest" groups for many years and many people have just had enough.

Like ILHG says, don't get between a man and feeding his family.
Oh dear.... can we take it down a notch? No need for comments like this.
The insanity of government pandering to the correctly described "eco terrorists" and a globalist agenda have driven many average joes to take this stance.

I wouldn't look at it as a threat, I'd look at it as a sign of the times. The George Soros of the world have been funding these "protest" groups for many years and many people have just had enough.

Like ILHG says, don't get between a man and feeding his family.

No worries. I don't see anything threatening. A sign of the times is the push back your seeing now. Theyre teaching our kids in school to recycle and about global warming. Those teachers the eco- terrorists? Your kids the Eco-terrorists? The protesters? The guy who picks up your recycling? Just where are these Eco terrorists? global agenda? Better get on board or get left behind man. The "global agenda " your so fearful of Is happening.
I see pushback from the productive people in society.

I recycle, I have low environmental impact as a second nature. But I live in reality and I choose a mix of enterprise so our country can be progressive and protecting the environment so my kids can breathe and eat.

It's not one or the other as these eco terrorists would have people think.

It's ironic, the vast majority of people I see protesting the pipeline seem to be disenfranchised younger people that have been affected by the very agenda they are pushing.
I work 10 hour days and then weekends in my shop at home. Welding. I drive a diesel truck. I pay my taxes and pay my bills. I also did 4 years in the military back in my youth. Id say that makes me a pretty productive member of society. I also recycle and do my part to reduce my carbon footprint. Certainly doesn't make me an "Ecoterrorist". More like an adult Canadian citizen making informed decisions. I disagree with a lot of Trudeaus decisions but i voted for him based on his "environmental platform". So did a vast majority of other informed adult Canadians. That's a lot of ecoterrorists if that's what you consider to be one. Still not too clear on where your finding these ecoterrorists? Haven't seen a single headline and you'd think that would be front and centre. Some protests though, but that's, you know "democracy". What MY gramps fought in the war for.
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Yet another thread that has deviated so far off original topic and into political ideologies, where everyone becomes entrenched on their "side" of the argument and the ball gets lobbed back and forth with nothing being accomplished. A couple things to note as this thread dies, stick to the original topic of the thread when posting and be careful what you put in writing on a public forum when it comes to advocating for a violent act to solve a perceived problem. The authorities have contacted us before when things have gone sideways to inquire about such stated threats made here on our forum.
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