Kicker motor prop line guard


Crew Member
I'm looking for a line guard for my kicker. I see different prices and powder coated or stainless steel.
Is there some things I should know about them or certain brands before I push the buy button and find out later
I should have done somthing different. I'm running a 15 hp Merc.
Just installed one on my 9.9 Merc Pro Kicker high thrust. Its called a Bite Me Too. Buy it from Harbour Chandler. It is locally made on the island so support local. Free shipping. Got it in 3 days to PG. 20 min install. all for just over $100. Its powder coated.
I also just put the same one on same kicker, as well as 3rd mount on Skeg. Very happy with product and installation was easy.
I had one put on by the dealer when I purchased a 9.9 Yami new. Not sure what make it is but is powered coated Al. flat bar made into a circle. Over all I like it as it allows tight turns as my riggers are mounted a bit forward and not on the outside rear corners and keeps the rigger cable out of the prop.

The only downsides are that the stainless mounting bolts (dissimilar metal) causes corrosion under the paint on the guard which chips off the powder coat around the bolts. A bit late now but I have thought about putting a small zinc on the guard where rigger cable and lines would be unlikely to catch on it. Has anyone done this?

Where I fish there is often a fair amount of floating wood and on one occasion a piece that was the right size got sucked into the prop and trapped a bit by the guard which bent one of the Al prop blades on the kicker. The ring on my guard is wide and flat so it may cause more of a sucking into the prop effect than some of the stainless ones that are more of a round bar, so perhaps less tunnel/pipe effect to trap smaller pieces of wood and damage the prop.
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Never have used one ever for the reason Rockfish describes...I have seen so many broken cav plates and bent props and prop shafts from woodgetting jammed in between guard and prop....the engine comes to a sudden stop and something has to give.
My neighbour had a 15lb Spring he was trying to net dart straight into his. After the engine stalled he ended up with about 1/3 of the fish.
What about throwing ‘er in neutral for those fish that might make ya work for them?

Around and around and under the boat. General mayhem!