Hunting Allocations

Matt, at the end of the day this is all about money and having a really good lobbyiest.
This is the weakness of the BCWF and the SFAB. Just look at halibut.they do not have a full time paid lobbiest in Ottawa where there should be one.
The BCWF does not have a full time paid lobbiest in Victoria And a fund to throw around $.
So, as always you need a group with deep pockets and sadly there is not one now.
Go to any club and try and raise thousands of dollars for this and they will just ignore it.
Sad, but as you note pay me now or pay me later.

That link is NOT working...

Derby: As usual, the media didn't get it right. They focused on the "numbers" provided by Thomson (who of course was provided them in turn by the GOABC). And of course the number chosen was the lowest of MANY sets of numbers circulated by both. It has been shown to be a gross under estimate.

The real focus is the RATIO of the split. Up to 40% of LEH species. The impacts are MUCH more severe than what the GOABC or their puppets within government are suggesting (and feeding to the media).

Not a bad turn-out for a Monday. On to the next steps. I'll post about those as they develop, suffice it for now to say the word "Recall" is being bounced around a LOT! ;)
