Fish fizzing device seen for sale.


Active Member
So i was at Cabela the other day, and on the shelf i saw a fish fizzing device, the needle thing to pop a swim bladder to send rockfish back down.
It was my understanding that they are not allowed as a decending device, and when i brought it up to the store manager they said, "we get it sent from head office we cant pull it from the shelves."
Should i write the head office to pull them. Id hate to see someone thinking its ok to have and use them and getting a $900 fine.
AITA for making this a issue?
From an Alaskan site..


A common early method of treating barotrauma was to puncture the swim bladder with a needle (known as venting or fizzing). This releases the pressure and allows the fish to descend. But ample documentation exists to make a case that many of these fish die later, often as a result of infection at the needle penetration point. Another problem with venting is that some fishermen are not familiar enough with the anatomy of the fish to know exactly where the swim bladder is located. Some end up poking holes in other internal organs, including the stomach (often protruding from the fish's mouth), and the fish dies as a result. Most biologists agree that venting is a poor option.