CNN report salmon tapeworm

yes, that's all I did.
I think you could have added an l on the end of your link and it would work also... usually it's html .... maybe when copying you just missed the l.
yes, that's all I did.
I think you could have added an l on the end of your link and it would work also... usually it's html .... maybe when copying you just missed the l.

your second link opened for me....This will scare a lot of people...will be interesting to see if it amounts to anything serious!
Answer...cook your fish!

(CNN)If you eat raw or undercooked fish, you risk developing an infection from parasites.
One of the most gruesome is tapeworm, a species of digestive tract-invading parasites that includes Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense, or the Japanese broad tapeworm.
Though this worm was commonly believed to infect only fish in Asia, a study published Wednesday in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's monthly journal Emerging Infectious Diseases says wild salmon caught in Alaska had also been infected by this parasite.
Based on those results, researchers warn that salmon caught anywhere along the Pacific coast of North America may be infected.
I've seen tapeworms in Chinook salmon for as long as I can remember. I would say 35-40% have them. I've never seen them in the other species mentioned in the story.
seen alot more tapeworms in halibut...
I've seen tapeworms in Chinook salmon for as long as I can remember. I would say 35-40% have them. I've never seen them in the other species mentioned in the story.

Yes, worms in salmon, halibut and ling cod are common, but I think these parasites are something totally different
Will leave it to those more in the know to clarify
The worms I've seen are about 1/4 wide, white in colour, flat and up to 2 feet long...move all over the cleaning table if you split open the guts and lay the contents out.
up to 2 feet long....

I wonder how long the tapeworms in a friend of a friend were? He had a habit of eating salmon and halibut sushi fresh off the hook. He lost 30 pounds until the doc gave him meds to kill the beasts, and a lesson in fully removing danglers.
I seen a tape worm that came out of a bear once.1/2 inch wide over 10 feet long. I get de-worming pills for my dog every couple of years and when I'm giving it to my dog I always think "one for me one for the dog". I wish it was that easy just a precautionary action.
I think the "new" revelation in the article was that the "new" tapeworm is an "old" Japanese version that they mis-classified as a NA version. Sushi anyone??
I've seen salmon with tapeworms in Banfield. Thought it was a bloated belly of fish, surprise surprise when I cut it open!