Bamfield Aug. 9-13



Seabeam boys just bumped our annual trip from our usual Aug. 18
to Aug. 9. due to a fireman derby. [xx(]
Just wondering how it was at that time in the past year(s).
Anything close to shore or is it all 7 mile and 27 mile action? [B)]

Thanks Tortuga [^]
Early Aug isn't that good inside Barkley Sound compared to later. Your Aug 18 dates were far better. If you are stuck with the early dates, then I would be prepared to run off shore if you have the boat and navigation equipment that is up for the job.
discussion in the paper the other day says offshore is going to be stupid hot for springs this year as the US river bound salmon are expecting very big sounds like getting out in barf country is the way to go
Whats the moorage like in Bamfield, I go to Ucluelet in late August and its almost impossible?
Barf country it is. Look out pea heads.

David, get on your google and try some lodges.
Maybe try Nootka, americans own most of that area anyway and it's who you know right.
D.C. Reid's fishing column last Friday in the Victoria Times-Colonist talked about West Coast returns.
I, am trying to go a little closer to home.. I live on Whidbey Island and stay on my own boat its 160 mi to Ucluelet. .. by water Nootka is another 60 mi or so in big water.Was just hopeing Bamfield might be a little more moorage friendly and closer. Thank you
quote:Originally posted by wish4fish

Hey Davidw, you can book moorage on the fisheries dock from the Bamfield Harbour Authourity in the summer. It's only crazy there in August, September is usually fine. Mills Landing has a commercial vac-packer and salt-ice plant if you need it.

I stayed at Mills Lnanding last September and had moorage on the fisheries dock. There was also few guys there just staying on their boats.