Area 14 Chum opening


Well-Known Member
They are at it today between Pt Holmes and Hornby/Denman area.

Assessments on the Puntledge, Big Qualicum and Little Qualicum Rivers have
commenced and will continue for the balance of the season. Approximately 1000
chum have entered the Puntledge River to date which is earlier timed than the
Big and Little Qualicum systems. There has been very little chum observed in
the latter two systems to date. These levels are within the normal range for
this time of year.

Fisheries for next week are planned to target the anticipated strong and early
return to the Puntledge River.

Area H - Area 14

Troll opens 00:01 hours Tuesday October 13 2009 until further notice in
Subareas 14-9, 14-10, and that portion of Subarea 14-11 outside the Comox Bar,
northeasterly of a line from Longbeak Point on Denman Island, to a fishing
boundary sign on Willemar Bluffs.
Thanks for the info! Very little data on the web for the Comox-Denman area fishing so any little bit helps!

What's up with the giant gap in the mapster data when it comes to our area?

The worst day fishing is better than the best day working...