Anglers unite - Kitimat Sentinel - Letters


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Anglers unite

Published: December 22, 2010 6:00 AM
Updated: December 22, 2010 9:38 AM

The intended purpose of this letter is to inform all Recreational Anglers of the Department of Fisheries and Ocean’s (DFO) Halibut Allocation Policy.

The DFO’s Halibut Policy is allocates 88% of halibut stocks to 436 Commercial Halibut License Holders and 12% to the rest of the Canadian population, potential recreation anglers.

The Sports Fishing Institute (SFI) estimates that if the current DFO Halibut Allocation Policy is not changed halibut will be closed to Recreation Anglers as early as July 2011.
The SFI, B.C Wildlife Federation (BCWLF) and the Sports Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB) has been negotiating with DFO with no success. The only way this absurd policy is going to change is for the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to receive a letter or email from each and every recreational angler and indeed from each and every Canadian who thinks this policy is wrong.

The SFI has just formed an alliance with the BCWLF, the Southern Vancouver Island Anglers Association and the BC Federation of Driftfishers to right the imbalance of this unfair allocation.

This alliance has also launched a website to provide information.

Send an email or letter to:

Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Hon. Gail Shea
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Please also send a copy to and our MP Nathan Cullen

Collectively we can make a difference.

Sincerest Regards
Ron Wakita