10lb downrigger balls $20


I was wandering through Canadian Tire tonight and was looking at the outrageous prices of downrigger balls with the 15lb balls on for $79 [:0]

and sitting right beside them were 10lb balls with fins for $19.99 so I grabbed a few. If anyone is interested there were quite a few there at the Langford Location.[8D]
There's also a guy out on the Peninsula who makes/sells 12-pounders for $22... on Used Victoria.com
quote:Originally posted by Little Hawk

There's also a guy out on the Peninsula who makes/sells 12-pounders for $22... on Used Victoria.com

I bought some from that guy. They a well made and have fins. How can CT sell 10's for $20 and 15's for $79. Wouldn't logic tell you that they should be somewhere in the $30 range? Ridiculous.


it's not so ridiculous when you know that CTC buys all their tackle from a distirbutor in Toronto. So a good old 10lb cannonball gets freighted from Toronto to Victoria. Think just how much that costs to do. So when you factor in all the hidden costs that most consumers don't think about and if it's last years product purchased when raw costs on lead was $1.50 or more per pound. Retail prices will end up being $79.00. I would bet that there is about $30.00 built in for freight charges in that price. I do realize that no one wants to pay that for a hunk of shaped lead but the costs are real in todays world.
Good representation of the industry RLN. I think that most anglers are unaware of how the costs of shipping and manufacturing materials that sit on a world market can change from day to day and how the end retail price will be effected based on these variables. An example of difference can been seen through this spread of a local stores pricing for 10, 12 and 15 pound canon balls. Mason

Pacific Net & Twine in Parksville
new cannon ball prices
10 lb $ 12.99 ea
12 lb $ 14.99 ea
15 lb $ 19.99 ea

I know RVP, he owns Killfish.com and used to work at a friend on mines shop a few years go, Screaming Fish in Nanaimo. My name is Dave. Mason

quote:Originally posted by rln

it's not so ridiculous when you know that CTC buys all their tackle from a distirbutor in Toronto. So a good old 10lb cannonball gets freighted from Toronto to Victoria. Think just how much that costs to do. So when you factor in all the hidden costs that most consumers don't think about and if it's last years product purchased when raw costs on lead was $1.50 or more per pound. Retail prices will end up being $79.00. I would bet that there is about $30.00 built in for freight charges in that price. I do realize that no one wants to pay that for a hunk of shaped lead but the costs are real in todays world.

I think you missed my point. Sure I understand that lead is expensive, and the cost of shipping etc, but I dont' understand the logic between selling 10pounders for $20 (=$2/lb) and 15pounders for $79 (=$5.27/lb). That's my only point, their math doesn't make sense.


He did not miss your point, he talks about last years stock, which in turn offers an explanation for CT's price and the prices showing up today. Also shown in my example, where an extreme opposite is shown. Mason

I do get your point but be aware that most backyard makers do so at extreme risks to their personal health, they don't truely factor in their labor and material costs (fuel used to melt lead, fuel used to deliver the finished product, time spent delivering the product to market) Port Alberni foundary makes the cheapest lead balls on the Island and the closer you shop to them (i.e. pac.net parksville) I am sure the cheaper the price gets. Guys also selling on sites like Used. Victoria or Craigslist have no overhead and also will be a good deal. Big box will never be able to compete with those sources, just the way it is.