wtf is Halibut Experimental Recreational Fishery

very few people, it goes against peoples rights as recreational fisherman. Purchasing commercial quota to recreational fish for a common property.
It is DFO nonsense for taking your fish and giving them to the commies then making you pay the commies money to be able to fish for them.
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It is a hell sport fisherman set themselves up for when they sold recreational quota to the commercial fisherman

"For two years, 2003 – 4, the Recreational Fishery catch monitoring system recorded the
catch as 9%, leaving a 3% surplus to our needs, so DFO set up a system whereby the
commercial fishermen leased the uncaught recreational halibut from the recreational
sector, and placed the money ( total $2.5 million) into a Trust Account held by the Pacific
Halibut Management Association ( PHMA) which is a legal society that represents most
of the commercial halibut fishermen."

"By 2006, the Recreational Community were observed to be formally over the 12%
allocation, and at the year’s end this caused Canada to be over our IPHC assigned TAC.
We were required to address this in 2007, and so The Recreational Community paid
from the fund to lease quota from the commercial sector to make up the overage at the
end of the year."

You can read it all here. 16 09 Halibut Executive Summary.pdf

We set ourselves up for this when we sold quota and then doubled the problem when we bought it back. Precedent has been set and precedent can be really hard to overturn. Too bad no real fisherman had any say in the buying or leasing of quota this was all done for us by the PHMA whose primary interest is protecting commercial fisherman. I'll say they have done a good job.

The 2.5 million raised in 03 and 04 should have been used to hire our own law firm to fight for everyones right to a better share of the TAC. Instead it went right back to buy quota from the commercials which lasted all of 1 or 2 seasons. Now we are left to buy quota on our own there will never again be rec surplus to sell unless everyone abstains from fishing for a year.
A little more complicated by that. There are plenty of errors in the manner in which the TAC was calculated for the Rec fishery at the time the original 12% allocation was set.