"We the Fishermen." petition re: MARINE HARVEST


Active Member

I want to thank all of you for your comments and insights as you sent me
your names to sign onto the letter "We the Fishermen."

While at first I hoped for 100, this morning we are 702 strong and so I can
see that it is possible to reach 1,000.

One thousand people is a lot to close the door on.

I apologize for adding to your inbox, but if each of us tried to get one
more person to sign on we would easily reach that goal. The Province has 2
more days to appeal. Marine Harvest said they would fallow the migration
route through the Broughton by March, but now say they can't because their
market has failed badly. The have not even addressed the affect of their
feedlots on the Fraser River migration route.

Right now this industry is hanging on a legal thread, they are a public
fishery. If we can't force reason on the situation now, I doubt we will
every return to this point.

Please make sure people give me three things

Gear type, or relationship to the fish (3-5 words)

Thank you again you have inspired me.


forward ALL responses to

Alexandra Morton at
quote: That observers and cameras be required during the harvesting and off-loading of
aquaculture salmon to assess by-catch of non-target species by this fishery.

Sorry for my ignorance.. There is bycatch in the pens?

Take only what you need.

I think what is referred to as a bycatch are species which enter the pens as small fish, grow along with the salmon, and are unable to get back out of the nets, or are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time when the pen is harvested like a school of herring which swims through a site during harvest operations.
Sf, thanks for posting something that is both informative and noninflammatory. <s>for once</s>