Video of Sea Lions in commercial net

this was on the sunday evening news.
Seal populations are reaching record
levels and greatly offsetting the delicate balance of our coastal ecosystem

seals are eating springs at am alarming
rate while hunting for their more
commonly harvested bait fish.

needless to say apex predators need
to adapt as things change .
Save the Orcas, Cull the Seals.
[And save the Chinook population at the same time.]

The Rain Forest Conservation Foundation did some exhaustive research trying to show that the increase in tanker traffic [from 5 a week to 1 per day] from the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion would cause the extinction of the Orcas. I'm sure they were dismayed to find that by far the greatest threat to the Orcas comes from a decrease in the Chinook population and that a 10% increase in the Chinook population would virtually eliminate the risk of Orca extinction.

Another study done in 2017 and published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences found that between 1970 and 2015 the annual biomass of chinook consumed by Pinnipeds [seals and sea lions] in Washington State Inland Waters increased from 68 to 625 metric tons! If you were to guess, when did it become illegal to kill seals? 1970.

The headline should read: "Seals and Sea Lions Threaten Extinction of the Southern Resident Orcas!" or "Seals are far greater threat to Orcas than tankers."

A cull is desperately needed to save the Chinook but don't think these folks will tell [or support] that. Tankers/pipelines are an easier target.
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