PSF Salish Sea Project 2016 Report

Taken from - Email version PSF_Salish_Sea_Project_2016_Report_.pdf

40% is a huge number...

Key Findings 2016

• An outbreak of Heart and Skeletal Muscle
Inflammation (or HSMI) was found in fish from one
Atlantic salmon fish farm. This was the first time
HSMI was diagnosed in British Columbia.
• Results from juvenile salmon predation studies
• initial estimates that Harbour seals in the Strait
of Georgia are consuming up to 40 per cent of
juvenile Chinook and 47 per cent of juvenile
• in Cowichan Bay and the Big Qualicum River
estuary, Harbour seals are:
• showing different feeding strategies in the
estuary compared to further afield; and;
• consuming different kinds of salmon during
the year, with more juvenile Chum eaten in
the fall and more juvenile Chinook and Coho
in the spring.
• Tracking of “tagged” Cowichan hatchery
Chinook showed that their survival in-river may
be significantly impacted by predators such
as other fish, mergansers, otters, and even
• The survival of Cowichan hatchery fry increased
when they were released at locations further
downstream from the hatchery, which could inform
future hatchery release strategies.
• Our Citizen Science oceanography project allowed
nine vessels to be out on the Salish Sea for 22
days, with all of the Strait of Georgia sampled each
day. They undertook 1,369 sampling events, which
resulted in more than 8,000 samples for analysis.
Seals are just part of it, less Orca's and of course their populations soar. Look at the survival numbers of juvenile's going through different passes....hmmm fish farms in certain areas and mortality rate is 50% higher???

It sure would be nice if FN, Commies, Guides, and Sporties could all band together and force a few issues and using that as a starting point to all getting along for everyone's benefit. Ban Atlantic Salmon farms to land based only, protect and enhance key spawning habitat, increase Federal and Provincial funding to hatchery's with a focus on pen projects to kick start juvenilles and give them a chance by avoiding small predators while running the rivers, make it mandatory for all pilings to be wrapped in that eco-friendly fabric that herring and anchovy's use to spawn on when kelp is absent.

If all parties could leave all their other issues at the door and start with this then see the benefits of working together. Once this happens then bring up the bigger issue of quota's after stocks have increased.
Seals are just part of it, less Orca's and of course their populations soar. Look at the survival numbers of juvenile's going through different passes....hmmm fish farms in certain areas and mortality rate is 50% higher???

It sure would be nice if FN, Commies, Guides, and Sporties could all band together and force a few issues and using that as a starting point to all getting along for everyone's benefit. Ban Atlantic Salmon farms to land based only, protect and enhance key spawning habitat, increase Federal and Provincial funding to hatchery's with a focus on pen projects to kick start juvenilles and give them a chance by avoiding small predators while running the rivers, make it mandatory for all pilings to be wrapped in that eco-friendly fabric that herring and anchovy's use to spawn on when kelp is absent.

If all parties could leave all their other issues at the door and start with this then see the benefits of working together. Once this happens then bring up the bigger issue of quota's after stocks have increased.

There are fewer of our local fish/salmon eating Orcas because there are fewer salmon. The other type of Orcas eat seals and they are actually increasing their visits to the South Coast.