Killer Whales areas that might effect you.

You might want to get involved as it’s not looking good.
You might want to get involved as it’s not looking good.

And just how the hell do I, we, or anyone make a difference?
I see the gov ready to pound on the one thing the bio's said would make little difference (because as usual, it is the "easiest" thing to do - read costs them the least). I would be right damn interested in just how to fight this BS...

Well, it appears we are already behind.
Just a few went to the last meeting and we it appears we’re not asked for our opinions.

So, the groups that have been to these meetings need to have some meetings to get ideals to work on.

I am guessing time is of the essence on this.

Looking at the areas they are showing it does not look good and we need a way to work around this.

There are a lot of people here who probably have ideals and they need to get them out.

The SFAB is a good group, but 5here are others.
Killer whales and smaller fishing boats have coexisted together for decades without a problem. Most of this time was even back in the day when noisy 2 strokes ruined the waves. From my 45 years of ocean xperience and interactions with our local resident whales the only issue that truly matters is a lack of food. The population decline matches precisely the decline in Chinook stocks to the Fraser River. It is time for DFO to end studies and any more BS and buck up and get on with an effective and timely recovery plan for Fraser River Chinook. One that doesn't rely on ocean based fishing closures that have already proved ineffective on other Fraser salmon species.