Idle No More/Theresa Spence

I think she's got some explaining to do with respect to issues of spending controls within her own Band Council based on all reports I've read. That’s where her energy should be focused right now. Cleaning up her own band issues, not shifting blame to others. "We've seen the enemy and it is us"......... I also think the Fed Gov is also culpable not providing better oversight of where money goes. Who rights a cheque to someone for $ 105M and doesn't ask for some evidence of where/how it was spent?
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Mrs Spence makes approx $70,000 a year tax free
thats equivalent to about $95,000 a year for the average tax paying citizen.
She needs to get priorities straight (her people) and start utilizing federal funding
in a responsible manner.
Any further association with the scammer chief will hurt the Idle No More movement.... I have sympathy about the objection to the omnibus budget bills, but NONE with a phony "hunger strike" and the unaccounted-for millions.
Any further association with the scammer chief will hurt the Idle No More movement.... I have sympathy about the objection to the omnibus budget bills, but NONE with a phony "hunger strike" and the unaccounted-for millions.
Hunger strike where she has any and all liquids and high calorie Chicken broth???? Considering her present physical condition, her hunger strike could go on for years ;-)
Any further association with the scammer chief will hurt the Idle No More movement.... I have sympathy about the objection to the omnibus budget bills, but NONE with a phony "hunger strike" and the unaccounted-for millions.


Right There With You on THAT One!

I.A. has a budet of more than $7 Billion a year. Divide that by 1,000,000 natives, and only half of those on reserves. My calculator doesn't go that high. Why not offer them $100,000 each and sign on the dotted line? I understand there has been injustices, but how long should this go on. Unfortunately it is political suicide to open that can of worms, so it will just continue.

Check this story out. The band was most welcoming of the press when they were seeking emergency housing showing the deplorable state of their living conditions..... likely now it appears caused by their own mis-management of funding provided by tax payers. Now when they are under scrutiny, suddenly they want to arrest the press and displace them from the community. Talk about manipulation. "Idle no More" should mean tax payers won't be put up with this crap.
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I've read 106 million over 5 years. is that acurate?

with only 20% of it being accounted for on paper....yup you got that right! $80,000,000 'lost' in Attawapiskat.

Must be nice to be riding that Government gravy train....I think it's time to derail this train and finally W.M.G. can step down as conductor. It is been slowly going no-where since 1610...
... Can someone shed light on the US situation why is it so different up here? History?

Here's an over-simplified explanation:

The US basically practiced Genocide with the vast majority of their "First Nations" (don't care overly much for that term). They engaged in Open Warfare with many, intentionally destroyed the base food supply (the damn near extinction of the buffalo was based not only on "economics", but part and parcel of a concerted effort to bring the Plains Indians to their knees) and relocated the survivors to reserves (generally far removed from ancestral lands) where they could be kept an eye (and gun for those who disobeyed) on. In reflection, it was an "effective campaign" as pretty well all Bands were brought under their heel within a relatively short time frame. These people were "Subjugated" in every sense of the word.

The Canadians on the other hand didn't overtly practice Warfare on the FN's much. Instead, they tried to "Assimilate" them. Get rid of the "old ways" including language, religion, etc, and attempt to turn them into "White Indians" (Residential Schools etc) or at least make them more inline with what was considered "proper" to become what fit (in their minds) as contributing members of their society.

The Treaties established in the US were done so largely under duress. And they were "Final". The Treaties established in Canada were done so from a somewhat paternal feeling of "Fairness" (recognizing many were not all that "fair") and in many cases, simply not established at all (relying instead on such "Legislation" as the British North America Act and those that followed in it's wake).

Today, the Indians (or FN's if you prefer) in the US are largely a Proud & Noble People (Not all of course. Problems still exist, just not to the extent as seen in Canada). Canadian Indians still feel "Oppressed", still feel the effects of "Sins Of The Past", and still quite obviously feel a sense of Entitlement as a consequence.

Not suggesting what the US did was "Right", but the Social Experiment of Assimilation in Canada has more than less proven to be a somewhat Dismal Failure. How to address that at this point is WELL Beyond me, even with a somewhat basic understanding of the causes thereof...

NO "Conquered Nation" ever before was (and is) offered so much. No "Conquering Nation" has ever displayed such a feeling of complete and utter Guilt over they ways things went. This is itself is something of an "Experiment", and when looking at the Royal Mess both sides of the equation find themselves in today, one also likely doomed to Failure... both for the "Conquered" and the "Conquerors".

And you're right, from where we stand now, it looks downright SCARY!

And NONE of that is anywhere near "Cheery",
Holy **** all mighty there is a whole lot of misinformed(racist, biggoted, some might say) people spouting off **** on here(not saying that the last couple are, and I am not going to start pointing fingers and quoting).

Some are in need of some education on the reality of native's rights in Canada.....they are not the same under the law as the general public and do not have the same rights.

This is a VERY good program that gives a lot of good facts on how it is.

Seriously: Watch this:

Before spouting about handouts, and taxes and land rights, land ownership...

And then think about if your grandfather, granmother, and great grandparents were taken from their parents and went to residential schools(where over 50,000! died). They were subjected to all sorts of abuse. Then think about how you would end up. The cycle is WAY to recent to just be broken and expect people to just 'get over it'.

Seriously, watch the whole series, but especially the first couple. Know the facts before spouting off.

Things are messed up and it isn't going to be easy to fix....but at least know the damn facts.
And now the Supreme Courst Justices have granted full rights benefits to Metis and others with mix blood , which will make up another million parisites on the tax payer dole.
There is only one thing to do..
Open the Constitution for a ammendment and ban the Indian Act and make all canadians equal.
this racist constitution is a joke. South Africa copied it in late 1800's as the base to Aparthied , and its time for us to demand a end to Aparthied in Canada. :mad:
Indian affair budget for last year was 7.86 billion with a b