BCWF, B.C. Forgotten Fishes


Well-Known Member
A lot of these issues also stem for the old guard still at ministry of environment that need to be cleaned out top down. This also includes the EAB board. Many of these were from Clark's era in government. Many habitats were compromised from industry during Liberal time period in office. Horgan knows that first hand, and still doing a lot of talking. Only hope is an overhaul of the professional reliance model in BC and to place the control for accountability with Ministry not private sector. Water and Habitat are key for these species.
Just another day on the ever expanding and developing world, Urbanization/ Urban Sprawl one of the biggest threats our fisheries face.


Chemical spills wipe out fish in three North Shore streams

"On April 19, an Eagle Harbour Elementary teacher and her students were at Woods Creek when they noticed 40 or 50 dead cutthroat in Parc Verdun. It may be impossible to track down the original source of the pollution but Barker said it almost certainly flowed into the creek from the surrounding ditches or storm drains."

This is why Coho stocks are not recovering!!

"There are coho salmon that spawn in Mackay Creek, although their run is endangered, den Daas said.

“It’s high alarm because these are very small and threatened resident salmon and we’re trying to protect them,”