Alexandra Calling...

Little Hawk

Active Member
I know many here on this forum support the efforts Alexandra is making in her ongoing battle with the fish-farmers and Government.
Following is an email I received today.

Hello All:

The Federal government wants to know if Gordon Campbell intends to try and win back the right to regulate fish farms.

As it stands, Marine Harvest filed a “notice of appeal” and the Province joined in this appeal by filing an “appearance”. This is an ambiguous state of affairs. While Gordon Campbell has not publicly appealed my Constitutional Challenge, he has reserved the right to send lawyers to defend the Province’s right to regulate and site fish farms.

If the Province did not want salmon farms back, they would not have filed an “appearance.”

The Province has no responsibility to protect wild fish, the Federal Government does.

There is something you can do. Contact the Liberal MLA candidates running in this Provincial election and ask them what they will do if elected? Give up the right to regulate fish farms in the ocean, or fight to win this back. If they plan to give it up why have they filed an appearance in Marine Harvest’s appeal?

You can find the Liberal MLA emails at

This is very important.

Alexandra Morton